What is AMRAP training?
by Joaquín Meroño
You may have asked yourself on many occasions what AMRAP means. Even if you practice CrossFit , you still may not relate concepts. Until you suffer it, you don't understand the meaning of this type of typical CrossFit training, widely carried out in boxing planning. To clear up doubts and enjoy its benefits, we explain why it will be your best ally to stay in shape, gain muscle and burn fat thanks.
What is AMRAP training
AMRAP comes from the acronym “as many repetitions as possible”, which means doing as many repetitions or rounds as possible in a stipulated time. The most common time to perform this type of WOD (Workout Of the Day) is 20 minutes, but we can do it with any time limit. We recommend starting with AMRAP for a few minutes, since controlling one for 20 minutes will take you a while until you are aware of what it means to move your body for so long at a medium-high intensity.
At first it is normal that it is difficult to adapt to the AMRAP format, since they help us learn to dose our energy over the marked time. It requires strategy, concentration and aerobic capacity. And that is something that seems simple, but it is not at all. For example, it is of no use to us in a 12-minute AMRAP to go "full" for the first 6 minutes and for the remaining 6 minutes not to be able to do some simple push-ups. That is to say, for this it is essential that you regulate and store adequate rest to reach the final part of the training at your best.
During the minutes marked by the AMRAP we must have the clock time controlled, know how long it takes us, for example, to do a round or to do "x" repetitions, and dosage ourselves to get the most out of ourselves throughout the marked time.
AMRAP Training Examples
7 minute AMRAP
20 Squats
10 Pull-Ups
5 Burpees
For someone who has mastered this type of training and movements well, they should do each round of the AMRAP (35 repetitions) in less than 2 minutes. If we maintain the pace, after 7 minutes we would have done around 4 laps or more, that is, about 140 repetitions in 7 minutes of work.
Keys to facing this 7-minute AMRAP circuit
Always, before each training session, we must set a goal and a strategy. Knowing which exercise we can use to lower heart rate and rest during the AMRAP, which one to reduce arm fatigue or which exercise we are better at and which we can press.
In squats we can go relatively fast and release our arms and take the opportunity to breathe. If we master the pull-ups we should attack them and go "unbroken" without breaking 10 repetitions. And in the burpees, although there are few of them, do them calmly, it is of no use to do 5 very fast burpees and when you finish them not have the energy to start the squats of the next round.
Benefits of AMRAP training
AMRAP is a type of training that generates the following benefits in the human body:
A good AMRAP allows you to gain cardiovascular and muscular resistance in the same workout.
In a short time you can do a workout and feel good. You can always carve out 10 minutes for an AMRAP.
You will gain confidence in yourself, being able to push and challenge yourself within the AMRAP and have that competitiveness to do one more repetition.
You will activate your metabolism very quickly and that boils down to good fat burning.
You can train with family or friends, and enjoy pushing and encouraging each other to create that healthy environment that will make you bring out everything you have inside.
We don't need to have a lot of material.
AMRAP training examples for you to practice and learn about this training methodology. From the Bileven Blog we provide you with several examples:
12 minutes AMRAP
12 wall ball shots
12 kettlebell swings
12 kettlebell snatches
100m sprint
26 minutes AMRAP
10 pull-ups
15 kettlebell swings
20 box jumps
12 minutes AMRAP
20 kettlebell swings
10 burpees
20 kettlebell push press
30 minutes AMRAP
12 burpee thruster and overhead press
10 single leg deadlift and row (each side)
20 kettlebell swings
10 reverse lunge and press (each side)
12 kettlebell squat jacks
12 2-pulse sumo squat and upright row
8 minutes AMRAP
4 handstand push up
8 kettlebell swings
12 GHD sit ups